Tuesday, June 5, 2012


  Site 1 has a great site it has a long stream and it is very grassy our DO was 140%. We caught a lot of Macroinveritbrates. Some of the macro invertebrates were big. Almost a ½ inch long. The weather during the trip was kind of cold and windy. In our site we had many rocks that made riffles. North of our site on the left hand bank is a huge wasp nest. We did not see any wasps going in or out of the nest. On our last trip there were a bunch of campers making noise. Overall we think the water quality of Douglas Creek is good.

Water Quality



At site one we had Non-tolerant very picky invertebrates such as three caddisfly larva, six Stonefly larvas, four Mayfly Nymph and four Dobsonfly. And when we were scrubbing the rocks we could see so many Macroinvertebrates on the rock it was amazing.

Are water was good it had a lot of macroinveraberates on are rock we started scrubbing the rocks about a foot away from the pool.